A Voice From Darkness Wiki

Dr. Ryder gets a call from Andy, regarding the numbers he can see on every forehead and a strange creature in an alleyway in New York.


Andy tells Dr. Ryder how he's always been able to see numbers on everyones forehead. When he was seven years old, heis grandpas number fell below 3000 and he soon had to realize that the countdowns showed him the exact second of the persons death. He goes on to describe how hard that makes connections for him.

He has a girlfriend who will be very old when she dies and they went to NYC to see Hamilton. During the intermission he went to smoke in an alley nearby and realized there was a floating countdown in the dark. It was a very long number which made him curious and the smoke of his cigarette revealed the silhouette of a tall, thin man who asked him what he had seen. Andy told him how long he had to live and the invisble man thanked him before disappearing.


Andy appears again in Voicemails From Darkness - MSG 5: Dreaming Wrong.


You can listen to the episode here and the episode transcript is available here.